Haiku by Tad Wojnicki in Taiwan (Part 2)


On Aril 25, 2010, I received a comment from Tad Wojnicki in Taiwan.


Dear Hiruta-San:

I’m a Californian living/haikuing in Taiwan. I’ve just spotted your site /thx to haijinx/. Impressive! Loads and loads of love here. Thanks from all.
I’d like to participate in yr International Spring Festival. Plz, send some info my way.

Hsinchu, Taiwan



I would like to introduce him to you through Tad Wojnicki bio.

Teddy Wojnicki holds a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. He has studied poetry and prose under Frances Mayes, Molly Giles and Leo Litvak at SFSU, Ron Hansen at University of California-Santa Cruz, Rick DeMarinis at University of Texas at El Paso, and David Gitin at Monterey Peninsula College. His work has appeared in Simply Haiku, Contemporary Haibun, Haibun Today, bottle rockets, Frogpond, Poetry Midwest, ZYZZYVA, Tattoo Highway, and Rainbow Curve, among others; and anthologies like: AutoBioDiversity: True Stories from ZYZZYVA, ed. by Howard Junker; In the Arms of Words: Poems for Tsunami Relief, ed. by Amy Ouzoonian; and Taboo Haiku,ed. by Richard Krawiec. Teddy is the author of a factual novel, Lie Under the Fig Trees / Lying With Love, and an experimental haibun novel, Slopes of Lust (looking for a publisher). Overseas on sabbatical, he currently teaches his Write Like a Lover! workshop in Taiwan. Contact:

On May 1, 2010, he kindly contributed his haiku and photos to our Haiku Festival.

Shooting the Breeze at a Taiwan Café, Part 1.

On November 22, 2010, he kindly contributed his haiku and photos to our network again.

Dear Hiruta-San:


I enjoy your Akita website and feel blessed to be counted among your poets.

Every issue of your newsletter is a delightful treat and I am always looking

forward to the variety you propagate.


As you may recall, last May you ran my 11-piece haiku sequence titled,

“Shooting the Breeze at a Taiwan Cafe.”  Would you consider publishing a sequel?


Here is a complementing portion of my “cafe haiku,” for your consideration!


Best regards,

Tad Wojnicki





Thanks to his contribution, I post his haiku with my Japanese interpretations.



Shooting the Breeze at a Taiwan Cafe, Part 2


crazy busy                        忙殺

double shot splotches                 ダブルのお酒一杯がしみをつける

pave the burnout               燃え尽き症候群を覆いなさい



by my table                     テーブルのそば

a man praying to god            男が一人神に祈っている

across the street                  道を横断して



whitecap view                   白帽の眺め

salt glazes                      塩をかける

the cupcakes                    カップケーキに



feeding time                     ごはん時

the baby sucks                  赤ちゃんがしゃぶる

a straw                        ストローを 



homeless Buddha                 家のない仏陀

outside the Starbucks              スタバーの外で

laughing                        笑っている



fast food                        ファーストフード

grab some coffee                コーヒーをすばやく飲み

chew the fat                    油脂をかんで食べる



curbside barbeque                道端のバーベキュー

the drizzle drowns                霧雨が水浸しにする

the sizzle                      ジュージュー焼く音を



she wipes her face                彼女が顔をふく

stinky tofu                      くさい豆腐 

ready to eat                      食べ頃



grill gab                      焼き網でのおしゃべり 

the clouds roll downhill            雲が漂い下っていく 

to meet the smoke                 煙に会いに



too hot                        暑すぎる

a truckload of sunshine            多量の日光が

backs into the shade              日陰に後退する



bamboo bar                      竹の台

she shares her                 彼女が分かち合う

pillow book                    彼女の日記を



milk heavy —                  樹液がもたれる

she kicks the coconut            彼女がココナツを蹴る 

into the kitchen door             台所のドアへ



laptop by the door             ドアのそばのノートパソコン

scents carry                   かおりが伝える

the humming                   ハミングを



cafe loveseat                コーヒー店の2人掛けのソファー

a patron necking              パトロンがキスしている

in her nap                   彼女のうたたね中に



haiku writer                    俳句作家

and cardboard collector          そして段ボールの回収業者 

making a pile                   積み上げている



two spoons                   二つのスプーン

between us —                 私たち二人の間に

spooning                    スプーンですくい合う



black beans                    黒い豆 

starlight                      星の光 

Starbucks                    スターバックス



bar twilight                   バーの微光

pink azalea blossoms           ピンクのアザリアの花が

turn burgundy                  暗赤色に



the food stall                  食べ物の露天

past midnight —                真夜中過ぎ ― 

the chopblock set               切り身の塊の一組



no worldly care                世俗的な世話は無し

monks meditate                僧は黙想する 

in mosquito moonshine           月光の中で蚊と共に



monk’s fat smile —              僧の太った微笑 ―

a pig’s half out of sight           豚の半分は見えない

behind a Fedex van              フェデックスのバンの背後に 



girls kick                     少女たちが蹴る

a birthday balloon              誕生日のゴム風船を

in grass skirts                    草地で



tonight                         今夜

between bamboo blinds           竹のブラインドの間に

a Taiwanese moon                台湾の月が



Dear Hiruta-San,

Thank you, again!





 Tad I.Wojnicki
Holiday Centre
11F, No.489,
Tian-fu Rd.
Hsinchu City 30058


The Author:
The Mentor:



I sincerely hope that you will enjoy his haiku world again.


The next posting ‘Tanka by Minoru Kono’ appears on December 25.



― Hidenori Hiruta



2 thoughts on “Haiku by Tad Wojnicki in Taiwan (Part 2)

  1. feeding time                     ごはん時

    the baby sucks                  赤ちゃんがしゃぶる
    a straw                        ストローを 

    I like this haiku very much. Yes the time of feeding to a child, written by Tad is excellent.

    Kaa.Na.Kalyanasundaram, Haiku poet, Chennai.

  2. Tad:

    Most of your haiku read like senryu, giving me a good laugh.

    I particularly like “by my table, “ “homeless Buddha, “ “she wipes her face, “ and, “tonight.”

    It’s so true about the scene described in “she wipes her face. “ I love eating stinky tofu.

    And “tonight” is tightly structured with an emotional undercurrent. I can relate to it.

    Thanks for sharing.


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